


Biophilic Leadership Summit

Biophilic Wellness

March 30 - April 1, 2025 in Serenbe


The Biophilic Leadership Summit is the only multi-day conference entirely focused on biophilic projects, research & principles, bringing together top industry thought-leaders in an intimate natural setting to network, build partnerships, and learn from each other.

Join Summit hosts The Biophilic Institute, Biophilic Cities, and Serenbe for the 7th Annual Summit on March 30 - April 1, 2025.


Aruni Bhatnagar, PhD, University of Louisville

Aruni Bhatnagar is the Smith and Lucille Gibson Professor of Medicine and a Distinguished University Scholar. He has spearheaded the development of the new field of environmental cardiology, which examines how environmental exposures affect cardiovascular health and disease risk. He is the principal investigator of The Green Heart Louisville Project, a groundbreaking, community-based clinical trial to examine how an increase in neighborhood greenery affects the levels of air pollution and cardiovascular disease risk.

Susie Ellis, Chair & CEO of the Global Wellness Institute and Global Wellness Summit

Susie Ellis is the chair and CEO of the nonprofit Global Wellness Institute, considered the industry’s leading global research and educational resource. She is also chair and CEO of the Global Wellness Summit, an organization at the heart of the multitrillion-dollar global wellness economy focused on facilitating collaboration amongst industry thought leaders.

Tye Farrow, Senior Partner, Farrow Partners Architects

Tye Farrow has gained international recognition for designing places that enhance our capacity to thrive—culturally, economically, mentally and physically. He has been invited to present his ideas at leading institutions including the Mayo Clinic and the Cleveland Clinic, as well as venues from Helsinki to Houston. His portfolio includes multiple international awards for designing some of the most technically advanced facilities in the world.


Biophilic Wellness

This is a working agenda. Exact times & presentation titles are subject to change.


4:00 PM | Registration Table Opens

5:00 PM | Opening Remarks

Steve Nygren, Board Chair, The Biophilic Institute

5:05 PM | Keynote Address 

Susie Ellis, CEO of the Global Wellness Institute and Global Wellness Summit

5:45 PM | Cocktails & Author Book Signing 

6:30 PM | Dinner on the Guest House Lawn

DAY TWO | Monday March 31

8:00 AM | Registration Table Opens

9:00 AM | Keynote Address 

Tye Farrow, Founding Principal, Farrow Architects

9:45 AM | Refreshment Break & Tye Farrow Book Signing

10:00 AM | Regenerative Architecture

Thomas Robinson, Founder, LEVER Architects

10:45 AM | Healthy Cities

Lawrence Frank, PhD, Urban Studies and Planning, UC San Diego; President and Founder, Urban Design 4 Health, Inc.

Session Includes AIA and IDCEC Continuing Education Units

11:30 AM | Refreshment Break

11:55 AM | Focus Activation Meditation

12:00 PM | Materials Impact: Redesigning the Materials Economy to be In Balance with Earth’s Natural Systems

Priya Premchandran, Vice President, Market Transformation Habitable

12:30 PM | Fireside Chat: A.I.’s Impact on Biophilia

Tuwanda Green, PhD, human., Virginia Tech

Zai Ortiz, Founder, Everything Wondrous

Jeff Smith, PhD, Managing Partner, QuantumIOT

Moderated by Vanessa Champion, Editor, The Journal of Biophilic Design

1:00 PM | Student Presentations

Owen Phillips & Maya Schiltz, Kennesaw State University

Kyle Smith, Georgia Technical Institute

Mica Caine, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Moderated by R. Alfie Vick, Georgia Power Professor in Environmental Ethics and Director of Environmental Ethics Certificate Program, University of Georgia

1:30 PM | Lunch

2:30 PM | Forest Therapy Walk

3:00 PM | Biophilic Design

Nicole Craanen, Founder, Biophilic Design Institute

3:30 PM | Panel: Biophilic Retail Spaces

 David Kepron, Studio Principal – Retail, LITTLE

Adam Rolston, Senior Founding Partner, INC Architecture & Design

Jennifer Walsh, Founder, Lost Art of Being Human (LABH)

4:15 PM | The Biophilic Nature of Frank Lloyd Wright’s Fallingwater (R)

Dee Schlotter, Principal, Dee Schlotter Consulting, LLC

4:45 PM | Refreshment Break

5:15 PM | Academic Roundtable: Biophilic Wellness Design

Gail Brager Ph.D., Distinguished Professor of Architecture, UC Berkeley 

Robin Puttock, Assistant Professor, Kennesaw State University

Meghan Mick, Assistant Professor, Florida State University

Kendra Ordia, Assistant Professor of Interior Design, College of Architecture, University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Session Includes AIA and IDCEC Continuing Education Units

6:30 PM | Wellness Walk to Cocktails

7:00 PM | Refreshments & Heavy Hors d'oeuvres

9:30 PM | Biophilia Visual & Audio Experiential Program

Kyle Smith, Student, Georgia Technical Institute

DAY THREE | Tuesday April 1

8:00 AM | Registration Table Opens

9:00 AM | Keynote Address

Aruni Bhatnagar, PhD, Lucille Gibson Professor of Medicine and a Distinguished University Scholar, University of Louisville

9:45 AM | Refreshment Break & Aruni Bhatnagar Book Signing

10:00 AM | Building As Body: A High-Performance Approach to Integrating Nature In Architecture

Chris Sharples, Founding Principal, SHoP Architects

10:45 AM | Yale School of Architecture & Environment Presentation

Anna Dyson-Hines, Professor of Architecture at the Yale School of Architecture and Environment

11:30 AM | Refreshment Break

11:55 AM | Focus Activation Meditation

12:00 PM | Panel: The Economics of Biophilic Wellness

Carolina Fernandez-Jansink, Founder, Cascading Regenerative Management

Marilyn Specht, Senior Principal and the Director of Sustainability Integration, SmithGroup

12:45 PM | Author Talk: Wellness Architecture & Urban Design

Phill Tabb, PhD, Professor Emeritus of Architecture, Texas A&M University

Moderated by Jennifer Walsh, Founder, Lost Art of Being Human (LABH)

Session Includes AIA and IDCEC Continuing Education Units

1:30 PM | Lunch

Lunch Workshop: Wellness at Work: Nature’s Wisdom for Leaders & Teams

Rebecca Magee, Founder, Sister Seasons

Elaine Dinos, Founder, Kindred Lane

2:30 PM | All Species Wellness

Josiah Cain, Design Ecology

3:15 PM | Biophilia, Biophobia, and the Environment’s Role in Generational Wellness

Tuwanda Green, PhD, human., Virginia Tech

Session Includes AIA and IDCEC Continuing Education Units

3:45 PM | Refreshment Break

4:15 PM | Building Community Through Biophilic Wellness

Tony Cuviello, Founder, Allchemy: A Biophilic Farmacy

April LaCerra, Founder, Allchemy: A Biophilic Farmacy

Gina Iliopoulos, Chief Horticultural Specialist, Keeler Gardens

5:00 PM | Serenbe Walking Tour, Cocktails & Book Signing

Steve Nygren, Founder, Serenbe; Board Chair, The Biophilic Institute

Hills & Hamlets Bookshop

7:00 PM | Dinner at The Farmhouse Restaurant

9:00 PM | Biophilic Cities Short Film Screening & Dessert

Tim Beatley, PhD, Founder, Biophilic Cities; Teresa Heinz Professor of Sustainable Communities, Department of Urban and Environmental Planning, School of Architecture, University of Virginia


Check back often as new speakers will be added in the coming weeks.